Welcome to RegulApp

With a few tips, you can orientate yourself about the regulatory tool very easily.

Once you log in, you will be asked to set your Workspace.

Organise yourself

Start from the Advices section. This is where you organise your legal database.

We prefer to keep it simple. Advices are structured in two levels - Domains and Rooms.

Domains are our houses. You may structure them around teams, departments, client groups, or just main topics of interest.

In each Domain, you will create Rooms. This structure replicates everywhere in the tool. It helps you navigate around Calendars, Legal Changes, Laws, Documents.

Shuffle the Rooms around Domains. Change their names. Create and re-create as many Domains and Rooms as you wish.

One Advice may reside in as many Rooms and Domains as you wish. Thus, you can share it with different teams, clients, people.


The Advice is the centre of your work in the RegulApp. You may draft it as an answer to a simple legal question, as a FAQ series, or an elaborate legal opinion. In either case, its usual features will help you use it smartly. This is what you share among users.

RegulApp's robot agents use the very information in the Advices to check and inform you about ongoing legal changes.

Start and search your legal Advices through the big purple button on the top right!

Once you get in the tool, you will find more tips and tricks on how to get the most of it.

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