Legal tool for the Business

Legal technology serving the business to work faster. Get all legal advisory you need in one place. Be the first to know about important legal changes.
Your legal compliance tool
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Your legal compliance tool

Businesses use the RegulApp to build their all-round legal compliance programmes. The tool keeps consistently the regulatory knowledge, legal forms, internal policies and processes that the organisation needs to follow. It notifies users for falling regulatory deadlines and actions. Automation monitors for you the planned and ongoing legal changes that may affect or help your business.

Go global

The RegulApp can work in all languages that you talk. Make sure you work without legal risks in any country. We are ready to access the laws of any juridiction together with you.

Get advice in a click

The users of law are usually not lawyers. Management, commercial, financial, R&D, investment, HR, safety, technical teams. Give them all access to the needed legal knowledge in few clicks. Get your legal team and external advisors on the tool to serve your business smartly.
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